The figure of the arthropod reappears in this ecosystem as a reminder of the parasitical yet cyclical nature of life. Voluminous textures and surfaces explore the connections between memory, organicity and trauma within a hybrid body. The idea of fragmented elements that are no longer alive, yet forced into a suspended state of time - where they are not allowed to rot, nor continue the cycle of decomposition - pushes all the elements of this installation towards an uncanny feeling of codependency.
I think of my work as a xenoconstellation of other -cyclical- forms of existence.
When thinking of a body, I’m constantly reflecting on three constitutive aspects: The surface of the skin. A rhyzomatic organic membrane of everything that lies under the skin, trapped within organs and fluids. The metaphysical act of things that happen in other planes of its existence - Particularly in the memory- dark holes, swampy voids of things we cannot remember create eerieness.
Within my work, this is where metamorphosis happens, mutating morphologies that draw from my personal memory archive of generational trauma, xenofeminism and obsession with undefined creatures and structures.
Pandora Gallery in Kreuzberg, Berlin - 04/05/24 - 25/05/24