FRUNCE // Video, Resin and Thread objects // 2021
Frunce is defined as a set of small, parallel pleats.
My pieces will try to rub the complex limits of inhabiting a striated social fabric. In this simulation of cut, I explore everything that does not end up being defined or fit into the imposed structures. Muscular shapes and thin threads are put in tension. Pieces of my body and scraps of skin, narratives of vulnerability, perhaps could be conceived as scales that I expose in order to address new questions: what is this soft, flexible and adaptable mass made of? Is it possible to cultivate pleats in a world that worships silence?
The pleat (Frunce) grows irregular and fissures and folds converge on it. It allows to generate certain gathers and inscriptions on the surface. Hollows from which to inhabit the void and the collapse. For this project I am attracted to the idea of a possible montage, through essays of fragility and tension, of the ephemeral and temporary emerging structures.
For its assembly I resort to the meticulous analysis of the plots to which I feel attached. The vertebrae of a dominant and patriarchal system, gears that sublimate on me as I inhabit this striated territory.
Frunce is a territory of confrontation, to question the plot of meaning which we are attached to, including our skin.